Using a combination of numerically exact and renormalization-group techniques we study the nonequilibrium transport of electrons in an one-dimensional interacting system subject to a quasiperiodic potential. For this purpose we calculate the growth of the mean-square displacement as well as the melting of domain walls. While the system is nonintegrable for all studied parameters, there is no finite region of parameters for which we observe diffusive transport. In particular, our model shows a rich dynamical behavior crossing over from superdiffusion to subdiffusion. We discuss the implications of our results for the general problem of many-body localization, with a particular emphasis on the rare region Griffiths picture of subdiffusion.Introduction. -The finite energy transport properties of quantum-mechanical systems generally fall into one of the three standard categories: ballistic, diffusive, and the complete absence of transport altogether. Ballistic transport is only possible in special, so-called integrable cases (such as free fermions) where an extensive set of local conserved quantities prevents currents from scattering. Interacting, clean systems are generically diffusive, while the cessation of transport is a hallmark of systems that completely fail to equilibrate, such as those that undergo Anderson localization [1]. The study of the transition between such regimes has been energized by the recent focus on systems that undergo many-body localization (MBL) [2][3][4]. In the standard quenched disordered variants of such systems, dynamical behavior is observed that exhibits a rich set of distinct transport behaviors [5][6][7][8][9]. Interacting quasiperiodic (QP) systems are also believed to exhibit similar behavior, and are the basis for several recent experimental studies on MBL [10,11]. Unfortunately, very little is known about transport in such systems. Here, we fill this vital gap via a finite-temperature version [12][13][14] of the time-dependent matrix renormalization group (tDMRG) [15,16] as well as the functional renormalization group (FRG) [17,18].Model. -We consider a one-dimensional model of spinless fermions, subject to a quasiperiodic potential (QP),