Abstract. We show that several features (the three-dimensional XY universality for moderate underdoping, the almost-BCS behaviour for moderate overdoping and the critical exponent) of the superfluid density in hole-doped cuprates hint at a composite structure of the holes. This idea can be implemented in a spin-charge gauge approach to the t − t − J model and provides indeed good agreement with available experimental data.
Superfluid density: a puzzle and a solutionIn this work we point out some features of the in-plane superfluid density ρ s in hole-doped high-T c cuprates which hint at, or at least are fully compatible with, a peculiar "gauge compositeness" of the low-energy hole excitations in such materials. A similar suggestion comes also from transport and entropy arguments as discussed in Ref.[1].
Superfluid density in underdoped cuprates: theoretical constraints from experiments.In the region from moderate underdoping to optimal doping the superfluid density as a function of the temperature ρ s (T ) exhibits a linear T -dependence near T = 0, along with the critical exponent 2 /3 at the critical temperature T c [2]. In the same doping region, the normalized superfluid density ρ s (T /T c )/ρ s (0) shows a non-BCS, 3DXY-like universality independent both of doping concentration and of the specific kind of material involved [3,4]. Finally, the Uemura linear relation [5] between ρ s (T = 0) and T c approximately holds in underdoped cuprates.These features put severe constraints on theoretical explanations of the behaviour of ρ s . Specifically a BCS-based explanation of the T -linear dependence at low temperatures, as due to the quasi-particle excitations near the nodes of the d-wave BCS order parameter [6], is difficult to reconcile with the non mean-field critical exponent (which should be 1 according to the BCS theory), with the observed universality and with the Uemura relation, as within the BCS theory ρ s (0) does not depend on the order parameter controlling T c .An alternative explanation of the T -linear behaviour is based on phase or pairing fluctuations [7] of the order parameter in a BCS-BEC crossover setting, resulting in an effective low-energy XY model. However the most natural XY model obtained is two-dimensional, thus producing an incorrect critical behaviour. A three-dimensional nature of the XY model is sometimes claimed to emerge in a narrow range of temperatures close to T c due to the presence of a stack of Cu-O layers, but this is not sufficient to explain the three-dimensional XY universality of the normalized ρ s over the entire temperature range from T = 0 to T c . Furthermore, a well defined arXiv:1607.03801v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]