The critical exponents for the average chirality,  c ϭ0.90(3), and the chiral susceptibility, ␥ c ϭ0.68(6), are determined for the spin-ordering transition in helimagnet Ho. The  c is extraordinarily large and twice higher than the predicted value for the chiral universality class, while the ␥ c is in agreement with this scenario. The staggered magnetization critical exponent is determined to be ϭ0.38͑1͒. The difference  c Ϫ2  ϭ0.137(36) suggests that chirality is a component of the order parameter independent of the staggered magnetization. The chiral-ordering transition and the Néel temperature coincide with a relative precision of 10 Ϫ4 .The order parameter of helically polarized magnets ͓stacked-triangular lattice antiferromagnets ͑TLA͒, helimagnets, such as rare-earth metals, etc.͔ includes, along with the ordinary spin variable S R , the spin chiralitywhere Q is the scattering vector, Q , Ĉ are unit vectors, k is the satellite wave vector of a reflection with the reciprocal lattice vector b m , and n L , n R are the populations of the leftand right-handed chiral domains, respectively.