We have studied spin freezing in the diluted spin ice compound Although geometrical magnetic frustration has been most extensively studied in materials with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interactions, the effects of strong frustration have also been found in the so-called "spin ice" materials (such as Dy 2 Ti 2 O 7 , Ho 2 Ti 2 O 7 , and Ho 2 Sn 2 O 7 ) [ 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] in which ferromagnetic and dipolar interactions can be frustrated [13,14,15,16]. The spins in these compounds are governed by the same statistical mechanics as the hydrogen atoms in the ground state of ordinary hexagonal ice (Ih) [17,18,19]. In ice, oxygen ions reside at the center of tetrahedra with two of the four nearest hydrogen ions (protons) situated closer to it that the remaining two, as shown in figure 1a. In spin ice materials, the magnetic rare-earth ions are situated on a lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra, and their spins are constrained by crystal field interactions to point either directly toward or directly away from the centers of the tetrahedra as shown in figure 1b. To minimize the dipole and ferromagnetic exchange interactions, the spins on each tetrahedron must be oriented such that two spins point inward and two point outward in exact analogy to the protons in ice.The spin ice state has been demonstrated experimentally through neutron scattering studies [5,12,20] and also through measurements of the magnetic specific heat, which yield a measured ground state entropy in good agreement with the theoretical prediction for the "ice rules" (first codified by Pauling) and experimental results for ice [7,17,19]. While the spin entropy only freezes out below T ~ 3 K in Dy 2 Ti 2 O 7 , magnetic susceptibility studies show a strongly frequency dependent cooperative spin-freezing at T 3 16 K [8,9], and then a sharp drop at T ~ 2 K [21]. In contrast to traditional spin glasses, the T ~ 16K spin-freezing transition is associated with a very narrow range of relaxation times, and, rather than quenching the spin-freezing as in spin glasses, application of a magnetic field is found to enhance the spin ice freezing. The dynamic spin-ice freezing in Dy 2 Ti 2 O 7 is therefore a rather unusual example of glassiness in a magnetic system. Due to the purity of the system, it provides an excellent venue in which to study a simplified model of the complex thermodynamics of ice as well as the more general consequences of frustration in the limit of low disorder.Here we report a study of this spin freezing in the diluted spin ice compound Dy 2-x Y x Ti 2 O 7 where we introduce controlled disorder by substituting non-magnetic Y ions for the J = 15/2 Dy 3+ ions on the frustrated pyrochlore lattice. We find that such dilution decreases the relative number of spins participating in the ice-like freezing while leaving the freezing temperature, T f ~ 16 K, and its frequency dependence unchanged.Correspondingly the distribution of relaxation times associated with the freezing is broadened only slightly with increasing dilution, suggest...