Using first-principles calculations, we report the electronic
with a special focus on the band splitting in the WSi2N4 class of materials. Due to the broken inversion symmetry
and strong spin–orbit coupling, we detect coupled spin-valley
effects at the corners of the first Brillouin zone (BZ). Additionally,
we observe cubically and linearly split bands around the Γ and
M points, respectively. The in-plane mirror symmetry (σ
) and reduced symmetry of the arbitrary
-point, enforce the persistent spin textures
(PST) to occur in full BZ. We induce the Rashba splitting by breaking
the σ
through an out-of-plane external
electric field (EEF). The inversion asymmetric site point group of
the W atom introduces the hidden spin polarization in centrosymmetric
layered bulk counterparts. Low energy
models demonstrate that the PST along the M–K line is robust
to EEF and layer thickness, making them suitable for applications
in spintronics and valleytronics.