This paper is the outgrowth of lectures the author gave at the Physics Institute and the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil, and at the VIII'th Summer School on Electronic Structure of the Brazilian Physical Society. It is an attempt to introduce density-functional theory (DFT) in a language accessible for students entering the field or researchers from other fields. It is not meant to be a scholarly review of DFT, but rather an informal guide to its conceptual basis and some recent developments and advances. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and the Kohn-Sham equations are discussed in some detail. Approximate density functionals, selected aspects of applications of DFT, and a variety of extensions of standard DFT are also discussed, albeit in less detail. Throughout it is attempted to provide a balanced treatment of aspects that are relevant for chemistry and aspects relevant for physics, but with a strong bias towards conceptual foundations. The paper is intended to be read before (or in parallel with) one of the many excellent more technical reviews available in the literature.Keywords: Density-functional theory; Electronic-structure theory; Electron correlation; Many-body theory; Local-density approximation
I. PREFACEThis paper is the outgrowth of lectures the author gave at the Physics Institute and the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil, and at the VIII'th Summer School on Electronic Structure of the Brazilian Physical Society [1]. The main text is a description of density-functional theory (DFT) at a level that should be accessible for students entering the field or researchers from other fields. A large number of footnotes provides additional comments and explanations, often at a slightly higher level than the main text. A reader not familiar with DFT is advised to skip most of the footnotes, but a reader familiar with it may find some of them useful.The paper is not meant to be a scholarly review of DFT, but rather an informal guide to its conceptual basis and some recent developments and advances. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and the Kohn-Sham equations are discussed in some detail. Approximate density functionals, selected aspects of applications of DFT, and a variety of extensions of standard DFT are also discussed, albeit in less detail. Throughout it is attempted to provide a balanced treatment of aspects that are relevant for chemistry and aspects relevant for physics, but with a strong bias towards conceptual foundations. The text is intended to be read before (or in parallel with) one of the many excellent more technical reviews available in the literature. The author apologizes to all researchers whose work has not received proper consideration. The limits of the author's knowledge, as well as the limits of the available space and the nature of the intended audience, have from the outset prohibited any attempt at comprehensiveness.
II. WHAT IS DENSITY-FUNCTIONAL THEORY?Density-functional theory is one of the most popular and s...