We have used high pulsed magnetic fields to 50 T to observe de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in the tetragonal antiferromagnet CeRhIn 5 , which has an enhanced value of the electronic specific heat coefficient ␥տ420 mJ/mol K 2 . For TϽT N , the specific heat data at zero applied magnetic field are consistent with the existence of an anisotropic spin-density wave opening a gap in the Fermi surface. The low-temperature magnetization reveals a magnetic phase transition that appears to be first order in nature. Quantum oscillations, which are observed for TϽT N when Bʈ͓100͔ and Bʈ͓001͔, reveal an anisotropic Fermi surface. The temperature dependence of the amplitudes of the quantum oscillations shows anomalous behavior for Bʈ͓001͔ as a maximum at T*Ϸ1.2 K is observed which we attribute to a gap opening in the anisotropic Fermi surface. The electronic and magnetic properties are anisotropic due to the quasi-two-dimensional crystal structure.