The basic analytical forms for the deuteron wave function (DWF) in coordinate representation have been reviewed. The asymptotic behaviors of DWF near the origin of coordinates have been analyzed. New analytical forms DWF as a product of exponential function r n by the sum of the exponential terms A i *exp(-a i * r 3 ) are applied for calculation polarization characteristics of the deuteron. Numerical calculations have been done for realistic phenomenological potential Nijmegen groups -Reid93. In paper the results of angular asymmetry for deuteron vectort 10 , t 11 and tensort 20 , t 21 , t 22 polarizations are submitted. Except for angular asymmetry, is present as well momentum asymmetry for deuteron vector t 1i polarizations. Influence of approximation DWF in coordinate representation on the subsequent results of calculations tensor polarization t 20 is investigated. Comparison of values t 20 is made at θ=70 degree if to apply four different approximations DWF for same NN potential Reid93. At comparison of the received theoretical values t 20 with experimental data of world collaborations and reviews the good coordination for area of values momentum p=1-4 fm −1 is observed. Within the framework of a method of invariant amplitude have been calculated spin observables in backward elastic dp-scattering -tensor analyzing power T 20 and polarization transfer κ 0 . Are compared values for κ 0 and correlation κ 0 − T 20 with experimental data's. In a wide range of momentums p and angles θ scattering have been presented asymmetry for tensor analyzing power T 20 and T 22 , which characterize photoproduction for negative π-meson from deuteron in reaction γ(d,π − )pp. Symmetry of values T 20 and T 22 concerning a angle 90 degree is observed. Ratio R for vector P x and tensor P xz polarizations is characterized by angular asymmetry. So, near to "A y puzzle" remain actual theoretical and experimental researches of other polarization characteristics for processes at participation deuteron for which is present both angular, and momentum asymmetry. The obtained results of the deuteron vector and tensor polarizations t ij (p) give some information about the electromagnetic structure of the deuteron and the differential cross section of double scattering.Аналiтичнi форми хвильової функцiї i асиметрiя поляризацiйних характеристик дейтрона
В.I. ЖабаУжгородський нацiональний унiверситет, кафедра теоретичної фiзики, вул. Волошина, 54, Ужгород, 88000, Україна Проведено огляд та аналiз асимптотичної поведiнки основних аналiтичних форм хвильової функцiї дейтрона (ХФД) в координатному представленнi. Для розрахунку поляризацiйних характеристик дейтрона застосовано новi аналiтичнi форми ХФД у виглядi добутку степеневої функцiї r n на суму експоненцiальних членiв A i ·exp(-a i ·r 3 ). Для чисельних обчислень використано реалiстичний феноменологiчний потенцiал Reid93. У роботi представленi результати кутової асиметрiї для векторних t 10 , t 11 i тензорних t 20 , t 21 , t 22 дейтронних поляризацiй. Окрiм кутової асиметрiї, наявна й iмпульсна ...