In a magnetic substance the gap in the Raman spectrum, ∆ R , and the neutron scattering gap, ∆ S , are related by ∆ R /∆ S ≈ 2 if the the magnetic excitations (magnons) are only weakly interacting. But for CuGeO 3 the experimentally observed ratio is of the order ∆ R /∆ S ∼ 1.49 − 1.78, indicating attractive magnon-magnon interactions in the quasi-1D Spin-Peierls compound CuGeO 3 . We present numerical estimates of ∆ R /∆ S from exact diagonalization studies for finite chains and find agreement with experiment for intermediate values of the frustration parameter α. An analysis of the numerical Raman intensity leads us to postulate a continuum of two-magnon bound states in the Spin-Peierls phase. We discuss in detail the numerical method used, the dependence of the results on the model parameters and a novel matrix-element effect due to the dimerization of the Raman-operator in 1 the Spin-Peierls phase. 78.20.Ls Typeset using REVT E X 2 The Spin-Peierls compound CuGeO 3 has lately been studied intensively [1] and found to exhibit well defined magnetic excitations (magnons) in the dimerized phase [2]. These magnons are found [3] to be seperated by a gap from the continuum of two-spinon excitations predicted for the Heisenberg-chain [4] and were recently observed in KCuF 3 [5] and in CuGeO 3 [6]. In this context it was realized [7][8][9] that the magnons in the dimerized Heisenberg chain can be regarded as two-spinon bound-states. While spinons are essentially free in a homogeneous spin chain they interact strongly in a (gapped) dimerized spin chain where magnons are well defined excitations with dispersion ω q contributing a delta-function ∼ δ(ω − ω q ) to the dynamical structure factor, S(q, ω).It is then all but natural to investigate the interactions of two magnons in a dimerized spin-chain. Here we will present numerical and experimental evidence that magnons do strongly interact in dimerized spin chains leading to a continuum of two-magnon bound states. For this purpuse we will present data from exact diagonalization of chains with up to N s = 28 sites and experimental Raman spectra for CuGeO 3 . We will, in particular, investigate the gap ∆ S observed in S(q, ω) and the gap ∆ R observed in the two-magnon Raman spectrum I R (ω). We find generally that ∆ S /∆ R < 2, indicating strong magnonmagnon interactions in 1D dimerized spin systems.As the minimal model for magnetic excitations in CuGeO 3 one can consider the frustrated 1D spin Hamiltonianwhere δ is the dimerization parameter that vanishes above T SP [10,11]. The special geometry [12,13] of the superexchange path in CuGeO 3 along the c-axis leads to a small value of the exchange integral J ≈ 150K and a substantial n.n.n. frustration term ∼ α which competes with the n.n. antiferromagnetic exchange. In the homogeneous state (δ = γ = 0) the Raman operator commutes with the HeisenbergHamiltonian for the case α = 0 and there would be no Raman scattering [17,18]. However when α = 0, the model (1) leads to magnetic Raman scattering ∼ α 2 due to the pr...