We propose that the proximity of the first-order transition manifested by the quantum tricritical point (QTCP) explains non-Fermi-liquid properties of YbRh 2 Si 2 . Here, at the QTCP, a continuous phase transition changes into first order at zero temperature. The non-Fermi-liquid behaviors of YbRh 2 Si 2 are veiled in several prominent mysteries; diverging ferromagnetic susceptibility at the antiferromagnetic transition and enhancement of magnetization as well as specific heat. These puzzles are solved by an unconventional criticality derived from our spin fluctuation theory for the QTCP; especially, diverging ferromagnetic susceptibility is quantitatively reproduced.KEYWORDS: quantum critical phenomena, quantum tricritical point, YbRh 2 Si 2 , non-Fermi-liquid behavior, selfconsistent renormalization theory DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.77.093712Critical temperatures of the symmetry-breaking phase transitions can be lowered to zero at the quantum critical point (QCP) by tuning quantum fluctuations such as by magnetic fields, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Quantum critical phenomena in metals have attracted much interest from both theoretical and experimental points of view, not only in their own right but also because of the unconventional superconductivity as well as the non-Fermi-liquid behavior observed near the QCP.
1,2)The conventional spin fluctuation theory of the QCP by Moriya, Hertz, and Millis 2-5) has succeeded in explaining a number of non-Fermi-liquid properties. However, this picture has been challenged by the results of many recent experiments, 1,2,6) where the criticalities of thermodynamic and transport properties do not follow it.A typical heavy-fermion compound YbRh 2 Si 2 1) belongs to such an unconventional category. At the magnetic field H ¼ 0, it exhibits an antiferromagnetic (AF) transition at the Néel temperature T N ¼ 0:07 K. An AF QCP emerges at the critical magnetic field H c $ 0:06 T along the ab plane. 7,8) Near H c , the Sommerfeld coefficient of specific heat is logarithmically increased with lowering temperature T above 0.3 K and even faster below it 9) in contrast to the conventional theory predicting convergence to a constant. Transport and optical data roughly show the resistivity linearly scaled with T and frequency. signals are also consistent. These non-Fermi-liquid properties are all contradicting the standard theory 2-5) for the AF QCP and are under extensive debates.
6)A hint to the origin of the anomalous properties comes from the fact that the first-order transition is observed for YbRh 2 Si 2 under pressure.12) Actually, the proximity to the first-order transition is common in many compounds with unconventional non-Fermi-liquid properties. Our idea is that the proximity to the first-order transition, namely, tricriticality solves the puzzle because the tricriticality necessarily induces a ferromagnetic tendency even at a clear AF transition.At T 6 ¼ 0, the tricritical point (TCP) where phase transitions change from continuous to first order, as shown in Fig. 1(b), has been studied in de...