Theoretical computer MR spectra have obtained from the decision of 16 differential equations system for time scan mode or from the decision of the 16 algebraic equations for a continuous absorption mode. In the matrix form this system has corresponded the quantum Liouville equation with the semiempirical relaxation operator [1]:where M mn = ψ m |M |ψ n are the required matrix elements of the transition operator from a spin state m in a spin state n; here ψ m , ψ n = αα, αβ, βα, ββ are the a basic spin-functions (n, m = 1, 2, 3, 4). These spin-functions are the product of eigenfunction (α, β) of a unperturbed Zeeman mode of spin Hamiltonianand H mn is an essence matrix elements of spin Hamiltonian. In equation (1) value R mjkn is [2]essence a relaxation operator elements. Here ν mn are the empirical relaxation frequencies of spin transitions between Zeeman m and n-states and p mn are the empirical lapping function. At reduction of local concentration of the surrounding paramagnetic centers they infinitely decrease ν mn → 0. Value R 0 mn corresponds to intrinsic linewidth of spin transitions. In the equation (2) lapping functions p mn are causal result of stochastic interaction of two-spin system with surrounding paramagnetic environment. These functions p mn are defined by environment spin centers concentration at conditions [2]:As an example we shall consider the two-spin orthogonality integral, which can be written down in the parametrical form through one-electron spin Zeeman functions:where p is the parameter, describing interaction of the first spin of the two-spin system with surrounding active spin environment, and p is the parameter of the same interaction of the second spin of the same system with the spin environment. Thus, if interaction occurs in a vicinity of the first spin, that due to stochastic interaction between the first spin and the surrounding spin environment the function orthogonality basic collapses. In absence of interaction of the second spin of twospin system with an environment the orthogonality integral is kept. If in interaction takes part also the second spin of two-spin system, that for it the independent orthogonality table is made. Therefore, the orthogonality integral table can be written down through one-electron spin-functions in a following kind: α