Processes related to electronically excited states are central in many areas of science, however accurately determining excited-state energies remains a major challenge in theoretical chemistry. Recently, higher energy stationary states of non-linear methods have themselves been proposed as approximations to excited states, although the general understanding of the nature of these solutions remains surprisingly limited. In this Le er, we present an entirely novel approach for exploring and obtaining excited stationary states by exploiting the properties of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Our key idea centres on performing analytic continuations of conventional quantum chemistry methods. Considering Hartree-Fock theory as an example, we analytically continue the electron-electron interaction to expose a hidden connectivity of multiple solutions across the complex plane, revealing a close resemblance between Coulson-Fischer points and non-Hermitian degeneracies. Finally, we demonstrate how a ground-state wave function can be morphed naturally into an excited-state wave function by constructing a well-de ned complex adiabatic connection.Introduction.-Electronic excited states are central in chemistry, physics and biology, playing a role in key processes such as photochemistry, catalysis, and solar cell technology. However, de ning e ective methods that reliably provide accurate excited-state energies remains a major challenge in theoretical chemistry. Two of the most widely-used approaches to obtain excited-state energies are i) the time-dependent (TD) version of density-functional theory (DFT) which relies on the linear response formalism, and ii) the equation-of-motion (EOM) ansatz of coupled cluster (CC) theory.In particular, TD-DFT has practically revolutionised computational chemistry due to its user-friendly black-box nature compared with the more computationally expensive multi-con gurational methods (such as CASPT2 and NEVPT2) where one must choose an active space based on chemical intuition. Despite their success, fundamental de ciencies associated with TD-DFT and EOM-CC remain. For example, excited states presenting double excitation character 1-8 -which have a key role in the faithful description of many physical and chemical processes -are notoriously di cult to model using conventional single-reference methods such as adiabatic TD-DFT or EOM-CC. Although some viable and promising alternative approaches have been developed -for example spin-ip, 5 dressed TD-DFT 2 or ensemble DFT 6 -each faces major limitations.At present, most excited-state techniques, including TD-DFT and EOM-CC, are built upon a single reference Slater determinant, o en corresponding to a Hartree-Fock (HF) solution. As an inherently non-linear method, similar to CC 9 and GW, 10-17 HF can produce a multitude of distinct stationary states. In recent years, multiple HF states have themselves been proposed as approximations to excited states. [18][19][20][21] However, these solutions do not necessarily share the symmetries of the exact Hamilto...