It performs a large scale study of conventional superconducting materials using a machine‐learning accelerated high‐throughput workflow. It starts by creating a comprehensive dataset of around 7000 electron–phonon calculations performed with reasonable convergence parameters. This dataset is then used to train a robust machine learning model capable of predicting the electron–phonon and superconducting properties based on structural, compositional, and electronic ground‐state properties. Using this machine, it evaluates the transition temperature (Tc) of approximately 200 000 metallic compounds, all of which are on the convex hull of thermodynamic stability (or close to it) to maximize the probability of synthesizability. Compounds predicted to have Tc values exceeding 5 K are further validated using density‐functional perturbation theory. As a result, it identifies 541 compounds with Tc values surpassing 10 K, encompassing a variety of crystal structures and chemical compositions. This work is complemented with a detailed examination of several interesting materials, including nitrides, hydrides, and intermetallic compounds. Particularly noteworthy is LiMoN2, which it predicts to be superconducting in the stoichiometric trigonal phase, with a Tc exceeding 38 K. LiMoN2 is previously synthesized in this phase, further heightening its potential for practical applications.