The |Ȟ| = 2 states emerge at B = 0.7 T, and all symmetries are broken for B 3 T.We focus first on the behavior of our samples in zero magnetic field. Fig. 1c shows the resistivity ȡ of two suspended bilayers as a function of carrier density n. Each sample displays a sharp peak in ȡ with a full width at half maximum on the order of 10 10 cm -2 , comparable to suspended monolayer devices 5,6 and an order of magnitude smaller than unsuspended bilayers 27 .In all samples, the peak lies close to zero back gate voltage (|V peak | < 0.5 V), indicating that there is little extrinsic doping in our devices. As a measure of sample cleanliness, we can estimate the magnitude of carrier density fluctuations įn based on the carrier density dependence of the conductivity ı(n), shown in Fig. 1d. Near the charge neutrality point, local variations in 4 potential lead to the formation of electron-hole puddles 28 , and ı(n) is expected 29 to remain constant in this regime because |n| < įn. In our suspended bilayers, įn is typically on the order of 10 10 cm -2 , and it reaches as low as 10 9 cm -2 in sample S3.The temperature dependence of the minimum conductivity ı min (Fig. 1e) (m e is the electron mass). In sample S3, ı min shows temperature dependence down to 450 mK, providing an upper bound of įn < 10 9 cm -2 . In contrast, ı min saturates at approximately 2 K in sample S4, corresponding to įn § 5x10 9 cm -2 . Both estimates are consistent with the estimate of disorder obtained from ı(n). In both samples, ı min at 450 mK is a few times the conductance quantum, in good agreement with theoretical predictions for its intrinsic limit [30][31][32] .In contrast to the typically reported linear behavior in bilayer graphene, ı(n) is sublinear in suspended samples (Fig. 1f). If we assume mobility μ = (1/e)dı/dn, then μ typically ranges from 10,000-15,000 cm 2 /V·s in our suspended bilayers at carrier density n of 2-3x10 11 cm -2 .These numbers represent a modest improvement of approximately a factor of two over unsuspended bilayers, but it remains unclear why the mobility is this low given the indications of sample quality discussed above, the low magnetic field at which we observe quantum Hall plateaus, and the high mobilities observed in suspended monolayers 5,6 . Adam and Das Sarma predict 29 that the mobility of bilayer graphene should be more than an order of magnitude smaller than that of monolayer graphene. This discrepancy was not observed in unsuspended 5 samples 27 , but mobility in such samples may be limited by disorder associated with the substrate.It is also worthwhile to comment on the possibility that the sharp dip in conductivity at low n is enhanced by a small energy gap that opens due to disorder-induced differences in carrier density between the top and bottom layers of the flake 21 . Differences in density of a few times 10 9 cm -2 would lead to an energy gap 26 of approximately 0.3 meV.We next discuss the magnetic field dependent behavior of our samples. Figs. 2a and 2b show the conductance of sample S1 as a functi...