The field of spin hydrodynamics aims to describe magnetization dynamics from a fluid perspective. For ferromagnetic materials, there is an exact mapping between the Landau-Lifshitz equation and a set of dispersive hydrodynamic equations. This analogy provides ample opportunities to explore novel magnetization dynamics and magnetization states that can lead to applications relying entirely upon magnetic materials, for example, long-distance transport of information. This article provides an overview of the theoretical foundations of spin hydrodynamics and their physical interpretation in the context of spin transport. We discuss other proposed applications for spin hydrodynamics as well as our view on challenges and future research directions. arXiv:1909.05756v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 12 Sep 2019 and the spin pumping [11,12] effects provide an interconversion mechanism between angular momentum and charge currents at a magnet / metal interface. A technological advantage of spin waves is that their existence is independent of the conduction properties of the material. This implies that energy dissipation associated to conduction electrons is minimized. However, spin waves are subject to scattering processes that ultimately limit their coherence [13].The amplitude of a spin wave decays exponentially with a decay length equal to v g /(2ωα) [14], where v g , ω, and α are, respectively, the spin wave group velocity, angular frequency, and the magnetic Gilbert damping parameter [15]. To maximize the decay length, low damping materials such as Permalloy (Ni 80 Fe 20 ) and YIG have been regularly used for research on all-magnetic logic and computation [16]. Decay lengths on the order of micrometers have been obtained in these materials [14,17,18]. Recently, long-distance spin transport in amorphous Yttrium-Iron ferrite [19] and antiferromagnetic haematite [20] was measured experimentally. However, the finite Gilbert damping parameter and the concomitant exponential decay of spin waves remains a presently insurmountable limitation for magnon-based technologies.To beat exponential decay, other forms of spin transport must be explored. Spin hydrodynamics offers such an alternative via the stabilization of noncollinear, large-amplitude magnetization states in magnetic materials with dominant easy-plane anisotropy. Because of its potential impact on technologies that rely on the control of spin, the field of spin hydrodynamics has experienced a rapid growth over the last five years, including recent experimental evidence [21,22] for hydrodynamic-like spin transport.In light of multiple recent theoretical developments, we provide in this article an overview of the theoretical studies on spin hydrodynamics in ferromagnetic materials. We review the dispersive hydrodynamic formulation of magnetization dynamics and its physical interpretation. We also discuss the theoretical predictions pertaining to the properties of ideal and current-induced spin hydrodynamic states in the context of long-distance spin transport. Finally, we discuss ...