F-actin in a glycerinated muscle fiber was specifically labeled with fluorescent phalloidin-(fluorescein isothiocyanate) FITC complex at 1 :1 molar ratio . Binding of phalloidin-FITC to F-actin affected neither contraction of the fiber nor its regulation by Ca" . Comparison of polarized fluorescence from phalloidin-FITC bound to F-actin in the relaxed state, rigor, and during isometric contraction of the fiber revealed that the changes in polarization accompanying activation are quantitatively as well as qualitatively different from those accompanying transition of the fiber from the relaxed state to rigor . The extent of the changes of polarized fluorescence during isometric contraction increased with decreasing ionic strength, in parallel with increase in isometric tension . On the other hand, polarized fluorescence was not affected by addition of ADP or by stretching of the fiber in rigor solution . It is concluded from these observations that conformational changes in F-actin are involved in the process of active tension development .Early studies on the properties of skeletal muscle actin suggested that some transformations of the polymer structure upon interaction with myosin are involved in the mechanism of contraction (1) . Later findings that F-actin is a flexible polymer and that its flexibility increases upon binding of myosin heads in vitro as well as in vivo (2-10) and that immobilization of thin filaments in muscle ghost fibers by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde inhibits development of isometric tension (11) supported such a possibility. In this paper we compare directly the conformation of F-actin in a glycerinated muscle fiber in rigor, the relaxed state, and during isometric contraction . As a probe for monitoring conformational changes in F-actin, a phalloidin-fluorescein complex (phalloidin-FITC'), which is a fluorescent derivative of mushroom toxin phalloidin, was used .FITC-labeled phalloidin has been already successfully used for visualization of F-actin bundles in nonmuscle cells (12). We have found that phalloidin-FITC can be bound to F-actin in a glycerinated muscle fiber without affecting either tension or its regulation by Ca 2+ .Since, in skeletal muscle, F-actin filaments are aligned parallel to the axis of the muscle fiber, we could measure the polarized fluorescence from the bound 'Abbreviation used in this paper : FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate . THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY " VOLUME 97 DECEMBER 1983 1663-1667 0 The Rockefeller University Press -0021-9525/83/12/1663/05 $1 .00 REGULAR ARTICLES fluorophore using light polarized either perpendicular or parallel to the axis of the fiber . The different values of polarization obtained in the rigor, relaxed, and active states of the fiber suggest that specific conformational changes in F-actin take place during development of isometric tension . A preliminary report of a portion of these results has appeared (13).
MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials: Glycerinated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle with a sarcomere length from 2 .0 t...