CRYSTALSThe relaxation time governing the dielectric loss of smoky quartz crystals appears to level off as a function of temperature below 12OK, approaching a value of about 1 msec. The relaxational behaviour of the colour centres is discussed in terms of tunnelling processes.Under favorite conditions, lattice imperfections at which electrons are trapped (e.g. colour centres) may exhibit a Debye type dielectric response [1,2]. A very clear case is found with smoky quartz crystals [3], which has recently been reinvestigated [4] by the present authors, especially between 20 ° and 160OK. In this letter we wish to report our measurements on the temperature dependence of the dielectric relaxation time extended downwards to 4°K, using the same specimen, with E //c-axis.According to the well-known Debye relaxation theory the dielectric loss factor tg 8 as a function of frequency and temperature should follow the expression 4~ {E + 2~ 2 Np 2 wTin which e is the dielectric constant of the matrix, N and p the concentration and dipole strength of the centres, and T the absolute temperature.