A complete set of analyzing powers (iT», Tzo, Tz, , and Tzz) are reported for the elastic scattering of 50 MeV Li by ' C. They are as large as or larger than those measured earlier for 30 MeV Li. A combined optical model analysis of both energies shows Tz& to arise from the tensor interaction, Tzo to involve a combination of tensor and J-dependent interactions, and iT» to be the most complicated, arising from an explicit spin-orbit, as well as tensor and J-dependent interactions. A coordinate transformation of the data and calculations, suggested in the earlier work of Hooton and Johnson, provides the clearest evidence for the need of a tensor interaction to describe Li scattering. Examining the optical model calculations in terms of transferred angular momentum amplitudes provides further insight into the role played by each interaction. Also presented are the analyzing powers for the "He( Li, He) polarimeter reaction at this higher bombarding energy.PACS number(s): 24.70.+s, 24. 10.Ht, 25.70.Bc, 21.30.+y