Articles you may be interested inIon-pair dissociation dynamics of O2 in the range 17.2-17.5 eV studied by XUV laser and velocity map imaging method State-to-state photodissociation dynamics of OH radical via the A 2 Σ + state: Fine-structure distributions of the O ( 3 P J ) product Parallel and perpendicular components of the Herzberg I, II, and III transitions contribute to the photodissociation of O 2 in the Herzberg continuum. The photodissociation dynamics determines the O( 3 P j ), jϭ0,1, and 2 atomic fine-structure branching ratios and angular distributions, which were determined in ion imaging experiments at ϭ236, 226, and 204 nm by Buijsse et al. ͓J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7229 ͑1998͔͒. In the preceding paper we presented potential energy curves for all eight ungerade O 2 states that correlate with the O( 3 P)ϩO( 3 P) dissociation limit, and the R-dependent spin-orbit and the nonadiabatic radial derivative couplings between these states. Here, we employ these potentials and couplings in a semiclassical calculation of the fine-structure branching ratios, atomic polarizations, and fine-structure resolved anisotropy parameters. We discuss the adiabaticity of the dissociation by comparing the results with adiabatic and diabatic models. The O( 3 P j ) 2ϩ1 REMPI detection scheme used in the experiment is sensitive to the polarization of the atomic fragments. We predict an important effect of the polarization on the anisotropy of the jϭ1 and jϭ2 ion images at low energies ͑Ͼ236 nm͒. The agreement between the semiclassical calculations and experiment is reasonable, possible explanations for the remaining differences are discussed.