High-spin states in 35 Ar and 35 Cl have been populated in the 24 Mg( 16 O, αn) and 24 Mg( 16 O, αp) reactions, respectively, at a beam energy of 70 MeV. The comparison between the level schemes of these mirror nuclei shows a striking asymmetry in the population yield of high-spin analog states of positive parity, which indicates different intensities of E1 transitions connecting positive-and negative-parity structures in both nuclei. Large energy differences are observed between analog states of negative parity with configurations of dominant pure single-particle character. This results from the comparison with large-scale shell-model calculations in the s 1/2 d 3/2 f 7/2 p 3/2 valence space. It is shown that important contributions to the energy differences arise from the multipole Coulomb and the relativistic electromagnetic spin-orbit interactions.