Mesoscopic dipolar Bose gases in triple-well potentials offer a minimal system for the analysis of the non-local character of the dipolar interaction. We show that this non-local character may be clearly revealed by a variety of possible ground-state phases. In addition, an appropriate control of short-range and dipolar interactions may lead to novel scenarios for the dynamics of polar bosons in lattices, including the dynamical creation of mesoscopic quantum superpositions, which may be employed in the design of Heisenberg-limited atom interferometers.PACS numbers: 03.75. Kk,03.75.Lm Interparticle interactions are crucial in quantum gases [1]. They can usually be described by a short-range isotropic potential proportional to the scattering length a. Recently, dipolar quantum gases, in which the longrange and anisotropic dipole-dipole interaction (DDI) between magnetic or electric dipole moments plays a significant or even dominant role, have attracted a lot of interest as they show fascinating novel properties [2,3]. To date, dipolar effects have been observed experimentally only with atomic magnetic dipoles, being particularly relevant in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of 52 Cr where exciting new physics has been observed [4][5][6][7]. Dipolar effects have also been reported in spinor BECs [8], and in 39 K and 7 Li BECs with a = 0 [9, 10]. Recent experiments with polar molecules [11,12] open fascinating perspectives towards the realization of highly-dipolar gases.Although a very clear and direct demonstration of the anisotropy of the DDI was given by the d-wave collapse of a Cr-BEC [6,7], an equivalently obvious 'visual' proof of the non-local character of the DDI is still missing. Such a non-ambiguous qualitative evidence of the non-local character of the dipolar interaction could be provided in principle by the observation of novel quantum phases (supersolid, checkerboard) in optical lattices [13]. However, the unambiguous detection of such phases is far from trivial, as is the preparation of the ground state of the system due to a large number of metastable states [14].In this Letter, we investigate a minimal system, namely a mesoscopic sample of dipolar bosons in a triple-well potential, which minimizes these restrictions, while still presenting clear visual non-local features (see "phase" B below). Non-dipolar BECs in double-well potentials have allowed for the observation of Josephson oscillations and non-linear self trapping [15], showing clearly that 'slicing' a BEC dramatically enhances the effects of interactions. The two-well Josephson physics is affected quantitatively (although not qualitatively) by the DDI [16,17] (the DDI may induce however significant inter-site effects in coupled 1D and 2D bilayer systems [18][19][20]). On the contrary, as we show below, the DDI does introduce qualitatively novel physics in the Josephson-like dynamics in three-well systems. We discuss how the DDI leads to various possible ground states, which may visually reveal the non-locality of the DDI. In addition, w...