We present an X-ray diffuse scattering study of the pretransitional structural fluctuations of the magneto-elastic transition in α ′ -NaV2O5. This transition is characterized by the appearance below Tsp ∼ 35K of satellite reflections at the reduced wave vector (1/2,1/2,1/4). A large regime of structural fluctuations is measured up to 90 K. These fluctuations are three dimensional between Tsp and ∼ 50K and quasi-one dimensional above ∼ 60K. At 40 K the anisotropy ratio ( ξ b : ξa : ξc) is found to be ( 3.8 : 1.8 : 1 ), which reveals the importance of transverse interactions in the stabilization of the low temperature phase. We discuss our results within the framework of recent theories dealing with the simultaneous occurrence of a charge ordering, a spin gap and a lattice distortion in this intriguing compound. [7] (where X=PF 6 and AsF 6 ), the spin-Peierls (SP) transition regained interest after its discovery in the inorganic system CuGeO 3 [8]. The SP ground state is a magnetoelastic distortion of a one-dimensional (1D) antiferromagnetic chain of spin-1/2. Below the transition temperature T c a singlet-triplet gap opens in the magnetic excitation spectrum, accompanied by a lattice doubling of the chain. Theoretically, the SP transition is driven by one-dimensional antiferromagnetic fluctuations coupled to the lattice via the spin-phonon coupling. Accordingly, a strong and anisotropic regime of lattice fluctuations is expected to occur. Nevertheless, SP systems do not all exhibit such a regime of fluctuations as we already emphasized in a previous study [9]. In MEM(TCNQ) 2 and TTF-CuBDT the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility χ(T ) down to T c is well accounted for by a Bonner-Fisher (BF) law of a one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. However, an isotropic x-ray diffuse scattering at the location of the low temperature superlattice reflection remains until high temperature [9] [3]. On the other hand, in (BCP-TTF) 2 AsF 6 a quasi-one dimensional fluctuation regime is observed and χ(T ) exhibits a sizeable deviation from the BF law, interpreted as due to the influence of the lattice fluctuations on the spin degrees of freedom [10]. As far as CuGeO 3 is concerned, an anisotropic fluctuation regime has been observed until ∼ 2.5T c [11]. Here again, χ(T ) does not follow the BF law due to either deviation from one-dimensionality or to the presence of sizeable next-nearest neighbor interactions. All these results show that, although the spin-Peierls transition concept was successfully used to describe all these magneto-elastic transitions, the experimental situation is much more intricate.The inorganic compound α ′ -NaV 2 O 5 has recently been shown to undergo a magneto-elastic phase transition at T c = 34K [12]. Above T c , χ(T ) follows remarkably the BF law (with the exchange constant J/k B =280 K) and the abrupt decrease of χ(T ) below T c is accompanied by a lattice doubling observed by x-ray diffraction [13]. Moreover, the existence of a spin gap ∆ of ∼ 10 meV was evidenced by inelastic neu...