Abstract:Review of electron spin relaxation times for organic radicals and transition metal ions in magnetically dilute samples. Emphasis is placed on studies that have been performed as a function of temperature and that provide insight into the relaxation processes.
Scope of this ChapterMost of the methods for determining distances between spins (ch.l) are either experimentally feasible or theoretically applicable for a limited range of electron spin relaxation times. For example, analysis of the dipolar contribution to the CW line shape to determine interspin distance requires that the relaxation rate for the interacting partner is slow enough that the dipolar splitting is not collapsed by electron spin relaxation. In addition, analysis of the line shapes assumes that spectra are obtained under nonsaturating conditions and are free from passage effects. Application of methods based on changes in relaxation times requires that the relaxation rate of the interacting partner fall within certain limits. The longest distance that can be obtained by pulsed techniques is limited, in principle, by the relaxation-determined width of an individual spin packet. Thus, knowledge of electron spin relaxation times is foundational to the methodologies presented in this book.