The spin-driven polarizations of type-I multiferroics are veiled by the preexisting ferroelectric (FE) polarization. Using first-principles calculations combined with a spin model, we uncover two hidden but huge spin-driven polarizations in the room-temperature multiferroic BiFeO 3 . One is associated with the global inversion symmetry broken by a FE distortion, and the other is associated with the local inversion symmetry broken by an antiferrodistortive octahedral rotation. Comparison with recent neutron scatterings reveals tha first polarization reaches ∼3.0 μC=cm 2 , which is larger than in any other multiferroic material. Our exhaustive study paves a way to uncover the various magnetoelectric couplings that generate hidden spin-driven polarizations in other type-I multiferroics. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.207203 PACS numbers: 75.85.+t, 75.25.-j, 75.30.Ds, 75.50.Ee Although BiFeO 3 is endowed with high ferroelectric (FE) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition temperatures, T c ≈ 1100, the disparity between T c and T N ≪ T c in this type-I multiferroic suggests that the magnetoelectric (ME) couplings may be quite weak. Despite enormous effort [2-6], a microscopic picture embracing all the ME coupling mechanisms in bulk BiFeO 3 is still missing. By contrast with type-II multiferroics, where T N ¼ T c and the ME polarizations have been well characterized [7], the large FE polarization, high Néel temperature, and long 62 nm period of BiFeO 3 have hindered measurement of its spin-driven ME polarization. Based on elastic [6,8] and inelastic neutron-scattering [9], Raman-scattering [10], and terahertz spectroscopy [11] measurements of recently available single crystals, it is now possible to provide detailed information about the intrinsic ME couplings in bulk BiFeO 3 . These results are crucial to control the electrical properties of BiFeO 3 with a magnetic field and vice versa.Combining a first-principles approach with a spincycloidal model, we explain the origin of all possible ME couplings and spin-driven (SD) polarizations produced by exchange-striction (ES), spin-current (SC), and single-ion anisotropy (SIA). All polarizations are fostered by broken inversion symmetries with two types of lattice distortions in R3c bulk BiFeO 3 : FE and antiferrodistortive (AFD). By comparing our results for the spin-driven atomic displacements with elastic neutron-scattering measurements [6,8,12], we demonstrate that the ES polarization (ESP) ∼3 μC=cm 2 dominates over other sources of polarization in the spin cycloid and is larger than any previously reported SD polarization.In type-I multiferroics, the absence of an inversion center due to the preexisting FE polarization fosters the SD polarizations. Specifically, the change of the scalar product S i · S j at the magnetic transition modulates the degree of broken-inversion symmetry and produces the corresponding ESPs [13]. While the FE distortion eliminates a global-inversion center, the AFD distortion eliminates a local-inversion center. Therefore, FE and AFM distorti...