We propose variational states for the ground state and the low-energy collective rotator excitations in negatively charged C N− 60 ions (N = 1 . . . 5). The approach includes the linear electron-phonon coupling and the Coulomb interaction on the same level. The electron-phonon coupling is treated within the effective mode approximation (EMA) which yields the linear t1u ⊗Hg Jahn-Teller problem whereas the Coulomb interaction gives rise to Hund's rule coupling for N = 2, 3, 4. The Hamiltonian has accidental SO(3) symmetry which allows an elegant formulation in terms of angular momenta. Trial states are constructed from coherent states and using projection operators onto angular momentum subspaces which results in good variational states for the complete parameter range. The evaluation of the corresponding energies is to a large extent analytical. We use the approach for a detailed analysis of the competition between Jahn-Teller effect and Hund's rule coupling, which determines the spin state for N = 2, 3, 4. We calculate the low-spin/high-spin gap for N = 2, 3, 4 as a function of the Hund's rule coupling constant J. We find that the experimentally measured gaps suggest a coupling constant in the range J = 60 − 80 meV. Using a finite value for J, we recalculate the ground state energies of the C N− 60 ions and find that the Jahn-Teller energy gain is partly counterbalanced by the Hund's rule coupling. In particular, the ground state energies for N = 2, 3, 4 are almost equal.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe t 1u ⊗ H g Jahn-Teller problem, where electrons in a threefold degenerate orbital interact with a fivefold degenerate phonon multiplet, is known since more than 30 years. It first arised for the particular case of p-electrons in a cubic systems which are equally coupled to E g and T 2g vibrational modes 1 . On the level of linear coupling, an equivalent problem arises in negatively charged C N − 60 ions (N = 1 . . . 5). These materials experienced particular interest when superconductivity was observed in alkali-doped A 3 C 60 (A=K,Cs,Rb, for a review see Ref. 2). The neutral C 60 molecule is a closed shell system and highly symmetric. It has icosahedral symmetry which is the largest threedimensional point-group with 1-, 3-, 4-and 5-dimensional irreducible representations (IR) 3 . The lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of C 60 is threefold degenerate and has t 1u symmetry. It couples to two non-degenerate A g phonon modes and eight 5-fold degenerate H g phonon multiplets 4,5 . In the present work we focus on the nontrivial coupling to the H g multiplets. We restrict our attention to linear coupling and approximate the eight H g multiplets by one effective multiplet which gives rise to the linear, single-mode t 1u ⊗ H g Jahn-Teller problem. Furthermore, we will use the fact that the icosahedral IR's t 1u and H g correspond to the L = 1, 2 IR of SO(3) which don't split under the icosahedral symmetry 3 . As a consequence, the linear t 1u ⊗ H g Jahn-Teller problem is equivalent to the problem of p-electrons interac...