This work reports an experimental study on the temperature dependence of the structural parameters of LiCrO2 (LCO) and Li0.99Cu0.01CrO2 (LCCO) by using synchrotron x-ray diffraction technique. A significant magnetoelastic coupling is revealed by the anomalies observed in lattice parameters at the magnetic and electric phase transitions, apparent as step-like features in both Cr−O, Li−O bond lengths as well as O−Cr−O bond angles. Magnetic, dielectric, and electric polarization measurements reveal the antiferromagnetic and antiferroelectric (AFE) ordering at 119 and 61 K, respectively for LCCO. Interestingly, a fairly large uncompensated spontaneous electric polarization appears for LCCO in contrast to nearly compensated polarization value for LCO below the AFE ordering. This is correlated to the structurally driven enhancement (∼ 4 times) of the interlayer Cr−O−Li/Cu−O−Cr superexchange interaction for LCCO. We argue that strong magnetoelastic coupling holds the key for the observed uncompensated spontaneous electric polarization in LCCO. PACS numbers: 75.80.+q, Coupling between structural and magnetic functionalities in strongly correlated systems, the so called magnetoelastic coupling, is one of the foremost topics in the physics of materials that are fundamentally and technologically promising. 1 This phenomenon, a subset of the recent terminology of multiferroicity, 2-5 attracts renewed attention after the discovery of colossal magnetoresistance. 6 This coupling usually appears as a structural change at the magnetic transition or change in magnetic functionalities at the structural transition. In such a backdrop of versatile abundance of scientific studies, 2-5 the evidence of magnetoelasticity with isostructural transition is quite rare, while those inheriting large atomic displacement are even rarer. 7,8 In the following study we observe a fairly large oxygen displacement at an isostructural transition, giving rise to ∼ 0.02 A step-like increase in Cr−O bond length as obtained from the x-ray diffraction studies using high-flux synchrotron source in a two-dimensional (2D) triangular lattice antiferromagnet (AFM), Li 0.99 Cu 0.01 CrO 2 (LCCO). Most interestingly, this displacement enhances remarkably (∼ 10 times) due to minimal Cu doping in LiCrO 2 (LCO).The ordered rock salt structure with R3m space group of LCO attracts significant attention for the unique 2D triangular lattice structure. As evident in Fig. 1(a) the layers consisting of Cr−O−Li−O−Cr atoms are stacked along c-axis. Notably, the intralayer Cr ions form typical 2D triangular lattice as displayed in Fig. 1(b). The intralayer exchange interaction (J) dominates over weak interlayer interaction (J ′ ) mediated through the long Cr−O−Li−O−Cr superexchange path. 9 The dominant 2D intralayer interaction effectively leads to the AFM transition at T N ≈62 K. 10-14 The Cr atoms surrounded by oxygen octahedra displayed in Fig. 1(d) exist in Cr 3+ state with S = 3/2. The AFM ordering below T N , however, produces a ground state characterized by strong spin ...