It has been found that in highly anisometric ribbon-shaped Fe particles with nanoscale dimensions that the magnetization decreases with temperature markedly faster than in bulk bcc Fe. This anomalous dependence, which becomes more remarkable as the length-to-cross section ratio increases, arises from the elongated shape of the particles. The analytical approximation performed on the thermal spectrum of magnons, compatible with the sample dimensions, unravels the correlated influences of shape and size on the thermal decreasing rate of magnetization. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.012403 PACS number͑s͒: 75.30.Ds, 61.46.ϩw, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Tt It has been observed that some magnetic properties considered as intrinsic when measured in the bulk exhibit an anomalous behavior when the size of magnetic entities decreases down to the nanoscale. 1 In particular, the thermal dependence of the magnetization deviates from that expected from the Bloch law. 2 Since in very small size particles magnons with wavelengths larger than the particle dimensions cannot be excited, a threshold of thermal energy is required to create spin waves. In this paper we present a nanoscale effect linked to the shape of very small particles. Opposite to the consequences of the known size effect, 2 which essentially contributes to stabilizing the magnetization, the shape effect analyzed here leads, in the low temperature range, to a decrease of the magnetization with temperature which is faster than that measured in bulk samples.The experimental magnetic behavior of wire shaped Cu-15 vol % Fe composite alloys, produced by the heavy working of spray-deposited billets, has been analyzed. A detailed description of material fabrication has been reported elsewhere. 3 With the cold working proceeding the spheroidal Fe particles, about 1 m in size, become drawn into elongated, flattened ribbons oriented along ͗110͘ direction with progressively smaller cross sections. Due to the high and positive enthalpy of mixing that characterizes the Fe-Cu system it is expected that Fe and Cu have not reacted, forming a FeCu solid solution. 4 Transmission electron microscopy shows that the thickness of the Fe ribbons decreases with the increase of the drawing strain from 14 nm down to 3.5 nm, while the ribbons width drops from 260 nm down to 27 nm. Hereinafter, the studied samples will be identified by their drawing strain measured by the wire diameter after drawing, ⌽.A magnetic characterization below room temperature was carried out by means of a superconducting quantum interference magnetometer, under a maximum applied field of 5 T strong enough to saturate the samples. Figure 1 shows the thermal dependence of magnetization M, measured in all the composite samples. Data corresponding to bulk bcc Fe were also included in the figure.It should be remarked from Fig. 1 that the magnetization of the composites decreases with T much faster than in bulk Fe. In addition, as the length-to-cross section ratio increases the magnetization decreasing rate enhances and deviates fro...