Magnetic properties of NiFe/Zr multilayer films, prepared by DC magnetron sputtering, have been studied by vibrating sample magnetometer and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). Spin-wave resonances were observed in Ni 81 Fe 19 /Zr multilayer films in FMR experiments, and the spin wave was found to be sustained by both the whole films. Estimated small interlayer coupling constant shows weak exchange coupling effect between NiFe layers across Zr spacers. The FMR linewidth, in parallel geometry, of the uniform mode was found to increase with decreasing NiFe thickness (20 Å ≤ t NiFe ≤ 120 Å) indicating that it corresponds to an interfacial effect. In addition, electronic and magnetic properties of multilayers are investigated by selfconsistent ab initio calculations based on Korringa-KohnRostocker (KKR). Spin polarized within the framework of the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) is considered for calculations.