Spin-wave excitations in ferromagnetic layered composite (AB · · · BA;
A and B being different homogeneous ferromagnetic materials) are analysed
theoretically, by means of the transfer matrix approach. The properties of
multilayer spin-wave mode profiles are discussed in relation to multilayer
characteristics, such as the filling fraction and the exchange or magnetization
contrast; also, surface spin pinning conditions and dipolar interactions are taken
into account. The interface conditions are satisfied by introducing an effective
exchange field expressed by interface gradients of the exchange constant and the
magnetization. This approach provides an easy way to find frequencies
and amplitudes of standing spin waves in the multilayer. The developed
theory is applied to interpretation of spin wave resonance (SWR) spectra
obtained experimentally by Chambers et al in two systems: a bilayer
Fe/Ni and a trilayer Ni/Fe/Ni, in perpendicular (to the multilayer surface)
configuration of the applied magnetic field. By fitting the SWR spectra obtained
experimentally and those found numerically, the surface anisotropies are
estimated on multilayer surfaces; then, the observed resonance lines are identified
as associated with bulk, surface or interface modes. The theory can be
extended to a general case of any multi-component layered system.