We introduce a topological gauge vector potential which influences spin-wave excitations over arbitrary nonuniform, slowly moving magnetization background. The time component of the gauge potential plays a principal role in the magnetization dynamics of typical magnetic nanostructures. As an example, we consider spin modes excited in the vortex-state magnetic dots. The vortex-spin-wave interaction is described as a consequence of the gauge field arising due to the moving vortex magnetization. The approach yields a giant frequency splitting of the spin waves having nonzero overlapping with the vortex background mode as well as a finite vortex mass of dynamical origin. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.014414 PACS number͑s͒: 75.40.Gb, 75.40.Mg, 75.75.Ϫc In the recent years a lot of attention was paid to influence of the gauge fields on semiclassical equations of motion of quantum particles such as electrons in solids.1 It was shown within the local models of itinerant magnetism 2,3 and s-d exchange interaction 4 that a topological gauge field induced by a nonuniform magnetization acts on electron motion as a real external magnetic or electric field.5 From the other side, spin-polarized electric current can essentially contribute to the equation of motion of magnetization 6 transferring angular momentum. The conception of such gauge field has led to prediction and explanation of various observable magnetoelectric effects in patterned nanostructures related to spin angular momentum transfer ͑spin-Hall effect, magnetoresistance, spin pumping, domain-wall dynamics, etc.͒, for recent review see Ref. 1 and references therein.Precise knowledge of the dynamic processes in patterned nanomagnetic materials is important due to their applications in magnetic storage media, magnetic sensors, spintronic devices including microwave nano-oscillators, 7 etc. Understanding dynamic response of nanomagnets to external magnetic field 8,9 or spin-polarized current 10,11 involves rich underlying fundamental physics. Among the different patterned magnetic structures considered so far, flat ferromagnetic particles ͑dots͒ with submicron lateral sizes occupy a special place due to their unique, nonuniform vortex ground state.12 Regular arrays of such dots are being considered as a new high-density nonvolatile recording media 13 characterized by two Boolean variables: chirality and polarity of magnetic vortex core.12 Special interest in the vortex core, small area where magnetization deviates from the dot plane ͑ϳ10-15 nm in size 14 ͒, is inspired by the possibility of easy and fast switching its magnetization direction.15,16 The vortex-state dots as well as domain walls in magnetic nanostripes 5,11 represent the simplest patterned nanosystems with topologically nontrivial magnetization distribution. However, there is still lack of understanding of the spinwave dynamics in such strongly nonuniform ground states. The energy dissipation of moving one-dimensional domain wall in bulk anisotropic ferromagnet due to interaction with thermal magnons was...