The uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy constants (K 1 ) of amorphous Co 10 Fe 74 B 16 (CoFeB) films deposited on BaTiO 3 (BTO) single-crystal substrates are characterized using a vibrating sample magnetometer. As a result, a significant increase in K 1 with temperature is observed by a factor of 26, from 0.267 Â 10 5 erg cm À3 at 300 K to 6.88 Â 10 5 erg cm À3 at 230 K, and the thermal/K 1 cycling was reproduced. Estimation of the magnetoelastic effect at the CoFeB/ BTO interface demonstrated that the external stress resulting from the structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic structure in the (001) plane of BTO substrate is the primary cause of the instant magnetic anisotropy in amorphous systems with isotropic magnetostriction such as CoFeB.