Ferredoxin-NADP؉ reductase, the prototype of a large family of structurally related flavoenzymes, pairs single electrons carried by ferredoxin I and transfers them as a hydride to NADP ؉ . Four mutants of the enzyme, in which Glu-312 was replaced with Asp, Gln, Leu, and Ala to probe the role of the residue charge, size, and polarity in the enzyme activity, have been heterologously expressed, purified, and characterized through steadystate, rapid kinetic studies, ligand-binding experiments, and three-dimensional structure determination by x-ray crystallography. The E312L mutant was the only one that was almost inactive (ϳ1%), whereas unexpectedly the E312A reductase was 10 -100% active with the various acceptors tested. Rapid kinetic absorption spectroscopy studies demonstrated that flavin reduction by NADPH was impaired in the mutants. Furthermore, NADP(H) binding was partially perturbed. These functional and structural studies lead us to conclude that Glu-312 does not fulfil the role of proton donor during catalysis, but it is required for proper binding of the nicotinamide ring of NADP(H). In addition, its charge modulates the two one-electron redox potentials of the flavin to stabilize the semiquinone form.
Ferredoxin-NADPϩ reductase (FNR) 1 from plants and cyanobacteria fulfils the role of electrical switch between one-and two-electron transfer processes during NADP ϩ photoreduction in the photosynthetic electron transport chain (1, 2). FNR became the structural prototype of a large family of structurally related flavoenzymes since the resolution of its three-dimensional structure, which highlighted a novel flavin binding fold (3). Indeed, FNR-like modules are building blocks for constructing both simple and complex flavoproteins with the most varied biological functions not only in prokaryotes and plants but also in animals (4, 5). Generally, the members of the family are highly specific either for NAD ϩ or NADP ϩ , whereas they are more permissive with respect to the electron acceptor.The non-physiological reactions catalyzed in vitro by FNR can be divided into two half-reactions corresponding to transfer of a hydride between NADPH and FAD, and transfer of single electrons between reduced FAD and electron carriers (A), such as Fd (cytochrome c), ferricyanide, and presumably INT, according to Scheme 1.The stoichiometric coefficient n can be 1 or 2, depending on the type of electron acceptor. The reductive half-reaction of FNR and other FNR family members occurs in discrete steps, which involve two Michaelis complexes (MC) and two chargetransfer complexes (CT) (6 -10), according to Scheme 2.In order to clarify the mechanism of action of hydride transfer mediated by the enzyme through flavin-nicotinamide rings interaction, for which there was no support from crystal structures (3, 11, 12), our group and others have carried out sitedirected mutagenesis of the five conserved residues surrounding the isoalloxazine ring in the active center of FNR: Tyr-95, Ser-96, Cys-272, Glu-312, and Tyr-314 (spinach numbering)...