Aims:The members of 'The International Consultation on Incontinence 2008 (Paris) Committee on Dynamic Testing' provide an executive summary of the chapter 'Dynamic Testing' that discusses (urodynamic) testing methods for patients with signs and or symptoms of urinary incontinence. Testing of patients with signs and or symptoms of fecal incontinence is also discussed. Methods: Evidence based and consensus committee report. Results: The chapter 'Dynamic Testing' is a continuation of previous Consultation reports added with a new systematic literature search and expert discussion. Conclusions, based on the published evidence and recommendations, based on the integration of evidence with expert experience and discussion are provided separately, for transparency. Conclusion: This second part of a series of three articles summarizes the committee's recommendations about: 'Urodynamic testing of male patients with symptoms of incontinence, of patients with relevant neurological abnormalities, testing of children and of frail elderly with symptoms of incontinence' and includes only the most recent and relevant literature references. Neurourol. Urodynam. 29:146-152, 2010. ß 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Key words: consensus committee; incontinence (children); incontinence (frail elderly); incontinence (male); incontinence (neurologic); urodynamics
INTRODUCTIONSubsequent to the first two reports of the International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) 1,2 the chapter ''Urodynamic Testing'' was renamed ''Dynamic Testing'' in the third and fourth reports because of the additional inclusion of recommendations on the (diagnostic) management of fecal incontinence. 3 We (members of ''The ICI 2008 Committee on Dynamic Testing'': ICI-CDT) provide an executive summary of the chapter ''Dynamic Testing'' in the fourth ICI-report on incontinence. 4 The ICI-report, with the ICI-CDT chapter discussed here, has the intention to provide recommendations on the basis of the most reliable evidence for the current state of assessment of the patient with urinary or fecal incontinence. To this aim, dedicated and systematic literature searches were performed on the basis of keywords and on the basis of articles related to references in the previous ICI-reports. Throughout the chapters' text ''conclusion(s)'': solely and entirely based on the published scientific evidence, and ''recommendation(s)'' are highlighted. The ''recommendations'' are the integration of scientific evidence with the expert group consensus, together with the discussion with the attendees during the ICI meeting. Conclusions are separated from recommendations to produce maximum transparency about the ''evidence base'' of the recommendations. Likewise obtained ''topics(s) for research'' are also highlighted in the text of the ICI-report. In this executive summary, we discuss the chapter ''Dynamic Testing'' from the ICI-report in three parts: The innovations in urodynamic techniques ''in general,'' the test characteristics and normal values of urodynamic studies (UDS) as well as the asse...