Study design: Prospective multicenter longitudinal cohort study. Objective: To validate the prognostic value of the acute phase sacral sparing measurements with regard to chronic phase-independent ambulation in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Results: To achieve independent ambulation 1-year post injury, a normal S4-5 PP score showed the best PPV (96.5%, Po0.001, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 87.9-99.6). Best NPV was reported in the S4-5 LT score (91.7%, Po0.001, 95% CI: 81.6-97.2). The use of the combination of only voluntary anal contraction and the S4-5 LT and PP sensory scores (AUC: 0.906, Po0.001, 95% CI: 0.871-0.941) showed significantly better (Po0.001, 95% CI: 0.038-0.128) discriminating results in prognosticating 1-year independent ambulation than with the use of currently used distinction between complete and incomplete SCI (AUC: 0.823, Po0.001, 95% CI: 0.781-0.864). Conclusions: Out of the four sacral sparing criteria, the acute phase anal sensory score measurements do not contribute significantly to the prognosis of independent ambulation. The combination of the acute phase voluntary anal contraction and the S4-5 LT and PP scores, predicts significantly better chronic phase-independent ambulation outcomes than the currently used distinction between complete and incomplete SCI. Sponsorship: This study was granted by 'Acute Zorgregio Oost' and the 'Internationale Stiftung für Forschung in Paraplegie (IFP)'.