Gardnerella vaginalis is a facultative anaerobic Gram-variable pleomorphic rod that forms part of the normal vaginal flora. It is most commonly associated with infection of the genital tract in women, but recognition of extravaginal G. vaginalis infection is becoming more frequent. We describe an unusual case of G. vaginalis vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis in a 38-year-old woman with no apparent predisposing factors.
Case reportA 38-year-old pre-menopausal woman presented to the Accident and Emergency Department, Leeds General Infirmary Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, with a 5-day history of an increasingly severe frontal headache. Lumbar puncture and a computed tomography scan of her head were normal, and the patient was sent home with analgesic medication and advice to visit her general practitioner if symptoms persisted. The following day the patient represented to the Accident and Emergency Department with additional symptoms of photophobia and vomiting in combination with persistence of the original headache. She denied any history of fever, rigors, back pain, back surgery, trauma, infection (including urinary), recent gynaecological procedures, use of antimicrobials or use of illicit drugs. She had no significant past medical history, and two normal vaginal births, the last of which was 10 years ago.Physical examination of her respiratory, cardiac and abdominal systems revealed no abnormalities. Neurological and cranial nerve examination results were completely normal. There was some tenderness in the lumbosacral region and restriction in forward flexion of the lumbar spine.She had a peripheral white blood cell count of 7.01610 9 cells l 21 , a haemoglobin level of 12.9 g dl 21 and a platelet count of 2.19610 11 platelets l 21 . Her C-reactive protein (CRP) level was 6.1 mg l 21 and her renal function was normal. Urine analysis was unremarkable. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine (Fig. 1) revealed early signs of vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis at the level of L2/L3 vertebrae. A small epidural fluid collection at L2/L3, which showed marked rim enhancement with a small amount of fluid centrally, was effacing the lateral recess and was directly impinging upon the traversing left L3 as well as the exiting L2 nerve roots.The patient was placed on bed rest, and blood and urine cultures were collected. A computed-tomography-guided biopsy of L2/L3 was performed, the biopsy specimen was sent for microbiological examination (but not histopathological examination) and empirical antimicrobial therapy (2 g flucloxacillin every 6 h intravenously) was started. Microscopy was performed on the small volume biopsy sample but showed no white blood cells or organisms. The biopsy was cultured aerobically [CLED (cystine lactose electrolyte deficient) agar, Sabaroud agar], anaerobically (fastidious anaerobe agar with and without neomycin, fastidious anaerobe broth) and in 5 % CO 2 (blood and chocolate agar) for 5 days (all media were supplied by E&O Laboratories). Mycobacterial culture was also set up using an au...