cannot imagine better 'guinea pigs' than you. Thanks for the time discussing science, complaining about the weather, and also celebrating the small winnings and supporting on the falls. This thesis is dedicated to my family, for their endless love and support:To my grandmother Lali, who passed away while I was writing this thesis. Although she never understood why I had to emigrate to pursue my career, she always believed in me, certainly more than myself. I will always be thankful and in debt to her.To the love of my life, María. I cannot thank you enough for your constant motivation. When everything was tough, you were there to push me forward. You are my inspiration. Thanks for proofreading this entire document and loving it.To my mom, Adriana, my dad Guillermo, and my siblings, Federico and Leandro. I do not have the words to tell you how fortunate I feel to have all of you in my life. Thank you for your immense support during the last years. You always managed to stay close despite the distance.