Spindle cell carcinoma of the breast is a rare breast malignancy, and it accounts for <1 % of breast neoplasms. Tumours are usually large, well-circumscribed, and cystic-containing lesions in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.
The aim: The main objective of the case report is to highlight our experience with Spindle cell carcinoma of the breast.
Result: A case presentation of a 58-year-old female who was referred from the peripheral hospital to our breast oncology clinic with a left breast mass rapidly growing for the past five months. The mass measured 23cm x 20 cm, palpable in all quadrants of the breast but more in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Mammography and ultrasound showed a massive heterogeneous left breast solid mass involving the entire breast and all quadrants, with areas of cystic components and increased flow. There were no calcifications noted. She was assessed as BI-RAD 5. A core needle biopsy showed spindle cell carcinoma of the left breast. The patient was offered a modified radical mastectomy.
Conclusion: Spindle cell carcinoma of the breast poses a diagnostic challenge due to the rarity of the disease; overlapping morphological features on histology and biomarkers specific to spindle cells have not been extensively studied