We analyse the conservative evolution of spinning compact binaries to second post-Newtonian (2PN) order accuracy, with leading order spin-orbit, spin-spin and mass quadrupole-monopole contributions included. As a main result we derive a closed system of first order differential equations in a compact form, for a set of dimensionless variables encompassing both orbital elements and spin angles. These evolutions are constrained by conservation laws holding at 2PN order. As required by the generic theory of constrained dynamical systems we perform a consistency check and prove that the constraints are preserved by the evolution. We apply the formalism to show the existence of chameleon orbits, whose local, orbital parameters evolve from elliptic (in the Newtonian sense) near pericenter, towards hyperbolic at large distances. This behavior is consistent with the picture that General Relativity predicts stronger gravity at short distances than Newtonian theory does.