We observe multi-step condensation of sodium atoms with spin F = 1, where the different Zeeman components mF = 0, ±1 condense sequentially as the temperature decreases. The precise sequence changes drastically depending on the magnetization mz and on the quadratic Zeeman energy q (QZE) in an applied magnetic field. For large QZE, the overall structure of the phase diagram is the same as for an ideal spin 1 gas, although the precise locations of the phase boundaries are significantly shifted by interactions. For small QZE, antiferromagnetic interactions qualitatively change the phase diagram with respect to the ideal case, leading for instance to condensation in mF = ±1, a phenomenon that cannot occur for an ideal gas with q > 0.Multi-component quantum fluids described by a vector or tensor order parameter are often richer than their scalar counterparts. Examples in condensed matter are superfluid 3 He [1] or some unconventional superconductors with spin-triplet Cooper pairing [2]. In atomic physics, spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) with several Zeeman components m F inside a given hyperfine spin F manifold can display non-trivial spin order at low temperatures [3][4][5][6]. The macroscopic population of the condensate enhances the role of small energy scales that are negligible for normal gases. This mechanism (sometimes termed Bose-enhanced magnetism [6]) highlights the deep connection between Bose-Einstein condensation and magnetism in bosonic gases, and raises the question of the stability of spin order against temperature.In simple cases, magnetic order appears as soon as a BEC forms. Siggia and Ruckenstein [7] pointed out for two-component BECs [7] that a well-defined relative phase between the two components implies a macroscopic transverse spin. BEC and ferromagnetism then occur simultaneously, provided the relative populations can adjust freely. A recent experiment confirmed this scenario for bosons with spin-orbit coupling [8]. This conclusion was later generalized to spin-F bosons without [9] or with spin-independent [10] interactions. These results indicate that without additional constraints, bosonic statistics favors ferromagnetism.In atomic quantum gases with F > 1/2, this type of ferromagnetism competes with spin-exchange interactions, which may favor other spin orders such as spinnematics [6]. Spin-exchange collisions can redistribute populations among the Zeeman states [11][12][13], but are also invariant under spin rotations. The allowed redistribution processes are therefore those preserving the total spin, such as 2 × (m F = 0) ↔ (m F = +1) + (m F = −1). For an isolated system driven to equilibrium only by binary collisions (in contrast with solid-state magnetic materials [14]), and where magnetic dipole-dipole interactions are negligible (in contrast with dipolar atoms [15]), the longitudinal magnetization m z is then a conserved quantity. This conservation law has deep consequences on the thermodynamic phase diagram.The thermodynamics of spinor gases with conserved magnetization has b...