Rotors of reaction and diffusion, that revolve around a circular singularity, and the corresponding spiral wave activity around it, influence the nature of several excitable media. Their dynamics are known to be affected by target waves and external gradients. When the core of two spirals come very close to each other, they could either repel or attract, depending on their relative chirality and the distance separating them. Multiple pairs of spiral waves, in close vicinity, could alter the paths of the individual rotors. A single spiral core, will be influenced most by the rotor closest to it, or linked to it by a common wave. If within a limiting distance, they would attract each other, and annihilate. Else, they will push each other away, until they reach a critical distance, beyond which, all interactions seem to cease. We have carried out numerical simulations based on a reaction-diffusion model to show the possible interactions of multiple spiral rotors. We are able to find a quantitative measurement of the distances determining the kind of interaction. Some unique dynamics is also unraveled. Experiments with the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction have successfully demonstrated the validity of our numerical results.