Turbulence is one of the most fascinating phenomena in nature and one of the biggest challenges for modern physics. It is common knowledge that a flow of a simple, Newtonian fluid is likely to be turbulent, when velocity is high, viscosity is low and size of the tank is large [1,2]. Solutions of flexible longchain polymers are known as visco-elastic fluids [3]. In our experiments we show, that flow of a polymer solution with large enough elasticity can become quite irregular even at low velocity, high viscosity and in a small tank. The fluid motion is excited in a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. The flow resistance increases by a factor of about twenty. So, while the Reynolds number, Re, may be arbitrary low, the observed flow has all main features of developed turbulence, and can be compared to turbulent flow in a pipe at Re ≃ 10This elastic turbulence is accompanied by significant stretching of the polymer molecules, and the resulting increase of the elastic stresses can reach two orders of magnitude.Motion of simple, low molecular, Newtonian fluids is governed by the Navier-Stokes equation [1,2]. This equation has a non-linear term, which is inertial in its nature. The ratio between the non-linearity and viscous dissipation is given by the Reynolds number, Re = V L/ν,where V is velocity, L is characteristic size and ν is kinematic viscosity of the fluid. When Re is high, non-linear effects are strong and the flow is likely to be turbulent.So, turbulence is a paradigm for a strongly non-linear phenomenon [1,2].Solutions of flexible high molecular weight polymers differ from Newtonian fluids in many aspects [3]. The most striking elastic property of the polymer solutions is that stress does 1