volume in portal hypertension and hence by reducing the The optimal dose of spironolactone to reduce portal splanchnic flow. 5,6 However, a correlation between the decline vein pressure, alone or in combination with isosorbidein plasma volume and portal pressure could not be shown. 5-7 5-mononitrate (IsMn), has not been identified. We studAcute and chronic administration of nitrovasodilators lowers ied the effects of 8 days oral treatment with spironolac-HVPG 8,9 but a concomitant reduction of the glomerular filtratone, IsMn or both on portal pressure, plasma volume tion rate and activation of the renine-aldosterone system with and renal sodium handling in rats with partial portal reduced water and sodium excretion have been observed. 10,11 vein ligation. At daily doses of 0.33; 0.50; 1, and 1.50 mg/ This might explain the worsening or development of ascites kg, spironolactone reduced portal pressure (all P õ .05) observed in some patients. 12 The combination of nitrates with as compared with placebo. Only the highest dose signifispironolactone might offer the advantage that spironolactone cantly lowered plasma volume (10.1 { 0.7 vs. 13.0 { 0.3 could counteract the activation of the renine-aldosterone sysmL; P õ .03) and enhanced urinary fractional sodium tem and the development of ascites. Furthermore, if spironoexcretion (0.73 { 0.04 vs. 0.58 { 0.03%; P õ .03) and the lactone lowers portal pressure by a reduction in plasma vol-(Na / )/(K / ) ratio in urine (0.43 { 0.04 vs. 0.30 { 0.03; P õ ume, it might enhance the portal pressure lowering effect of .02). IsMn at doses of 0.25; 0.50, and 1 mg/kg decreased nitrates. Therefore, the aim of the present study, using a portal pressure (all P õ .05) without a change in plasma portal hypertensive rat model, was to investigate the effects volume but with a tendency (not significant) to lower of different doses of spironolactone, isosorbide-5-mononitrate fractional sodium excretion. IsMn impaired free water (IsMn), and their combination, on portal pressure, plasma clearance at doses of 0.5 and 1 mg/kg (P õ .05). Combinavolume, water, and sodium household. Male Wistar rats, with a body weight beeffect of spironolactone is opposed. Low doses of spiro-tween 209 and 240 g (mean 226 g) underwent partial portal vein nolactone are as effective as a higher dose to reduce ligation, as described previously. 13 Three weeks postoperatively, aniportal pressure. This reduced portal pressure was inde-mals were randomly assigned to one of the following treatments given by daily gavage: placebo, i.e., 2 mL saline (n Å 8); spironolacpendent of changes in plasma volume and diuretic effect, tone, 0.33 mg/kg body weight (n Å 6), 0.50 mg/kg (n Å 6), 1 mg/kg which suggests that spironolactone might have a direct (n Å 6), and 1.50 mg/kg (n Å 6); IsMn, 0.25 mg/kg (n Å 6), 0.50 mg/ vasoactive effect on the splanchnic circulation. To counkg (n Å 8), and 1 mg/kg (n Å 11); spironolactone, 1 mg/kg in combinateract sodium retention of nitrovasodilators, combination with IsMn, 0.5 mg/kg (n Å 8) and 1...