The study aimed to analyze the stress/strain distribution of new designs of miniimplants manufactured by machining and additive manufacturing. Four designs were evaluated (Ø2.0 mm  10 mm): Intra-lock, helical, threaded machined (MN threaded) and threaded by additive manufacturing (AM threaded). Analysis of stress was performed through photoelastic analysis (100 N axial/oblique loads) and analysis of strain by digital image correlation (DIC) (250 N axial/100 N oblique load). Data distribution was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test and a significance level of 5% was adopted. Quantitative data were analyzed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. In photoelastic analysis, the Intra-lock mini-implant showed the highest stresses in the cervical (104 kPa), middle (108 kPa), and apical (212 kPa) thirds. Higher stresses were observed in the oblique loading situation for all designs. For DIC analysis, axial loading, a significant difference was observed for the AM Threaded miniimplants about the other designs in the cervical third (p = .04), with the highest strain value 47 με [10; 76]. In oblique loading, a significant difference between the miniimplants was observed in the middle and apical thirds, with higher strains for the AM threaded design À185 με [À173; 162] (p = .009) and 242 με [87; 372] (p = .013), respectively. In general, the influence of different mini-implant designs and the additive manufacturing method on the stress/strain was observed, in the photoelastic and DIC analysis. The evaluated designs demonstrated a lower concentration of stress/strain in the cervical region compared to the apical region, and higher stress/ strain in situations of oblique load compared with axial load.