The symmetry of the superconducting condensate in Sr2RuO4 remains controversial after nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments recently overturned the dominant chiral p-wave paradigm. Several theoretical proposals have been put forward to account for existing experiments, including a d + ig-wave admixture, conjectured to be stabilized by longer-range Coulomb interactions. We perform a material-specific microscopic theoretical study of pairing by spin-and charge-fluctuations in Sr2RuO4, including the effects of spin-orbit coupling, and both local and longer-range Coulomb repulsion. The latter has important consequences for Sr2RuO4 due to the near-degeneracy of symmetry-distinct pairing states in this material. We find that both the g-and d x 2 −y 2 -wave channels remain noncompetitive compared to leading nodal s , dxy, and helical (p) solutions. This suggests nodal time-reversal symmetry broken s + idxy or s + ip phases, promoted by longer-range Coulomb repulsion, as the most favorable candidates for Sr2RuO4. We analyse the properties of these states, and show that the s + idxy solution agrees with the bulk of available experimental data, including recent discoveries from NMR, muon spin relaxation (µSR), and ultrasound measurements.