We introduce a forcing technique to construct three-dimensional arrays of generic extensions through FS (finite support) iterations of ccc posets, which we refer to as 3D-coherent systems. We use them to produce models of new constellations in Cichoń's diagram, in particular, a model where the diagram can be separated into 7 different values. Furthermore, we show that this constellation of 7 values is consistent with the existence of a ∆ 1 3 well-order of the reals.
IntroductionIn this paper, we provide a generalization of the method of matrix iteration, to which we refer as 3D-coherent systems of iterations and which can be considered a natural extension of the matrix method to include a third dimension. That is, if a matrix iteration can be considered as a system of partial orders P α,β : α ≤ γ, β ≤ δ such that whenever α ≤ α and β ≤ β then P α,β is a complete suborder of P α ,β , then our 3D-coherent systems are systems of posets P α,β,ξ :As an application of this method, we construct models where Cichoń's diagram is separated into different values, one of them with 7 different values. Moreover, these models determine the value of a, which is actually the same as the value of b, and we further show that such models can be produced so that they satisfy, additionally, the existence of a ∆ 1 3 well-order of the reals. The method of matrix iterations, or 2D-coherent systems of iterations in our terminology, has already a long history. It was introduced by Blass and Shelah in [BS89], to show that consistently u < d, where u is the ultrafilter number and d is the dominating number. The method was further developed in [BF11], where the terminology matrix iteration appeared for the first time, to show that if κ < λ are arbitrary regular uncountable cardinals then there is a generic extension in which a = b = κ < s = λ. Here a, b and s denote the almost disjointness, bounding and splitting numbers respectively. In [BF11], the authors also introduce a new method for the preservation of a mad (maximal almost disjoint) family along a matrix iteration, specifically a mad family added by H κ (Hechler's poset for adding a mad family, see Definition 4.1), a method which is of particular importance for our current work. Later, classical preservation properties for matrix iterations were improved by Mejía [Mej13a] to provide several examples of models where the cardinals in Cichoń's diagram assume many different values, in particular, a model with 6 different values. Since then, the question of how many distinct values there can be simultaneously in Cichoń's diagram has been of interest for many authors, see for example [FGKS] (a 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 03E17, 03E15, 03E35, 03E40, 03E45.