The energy of the first-excited state in 197 Au has been measured with high precision using conventional γ-ray spectroscopy with HPGe detectors. A γ77 keV line of 197 Au and K β lines of Au are overlapped almost completely and such measurements present a very serious challenge. The coincidence measurements have been applied, first, with the γ77 keV line for the precise energy calibration using Kα and K β lines of Au, secondly, with Kα lines of Au for the precise energy measurement of the first-excited state in 197 Au. Our current result is 77.339 ± 0.003 keV, confirming the observations of the recent 197 Au NEET experiment performed at SPring-8, while, according to available nuclear data, the energy of the first-excited state in 197 Au is 77.351 ± 0.002 keV.