The movement of charged particles in a crystal can be both regular and chaotic. At the quantum level, chaos manifests itself in the statistical properties of the set of energy levels. Systems, in which regions of regular motion are separated in the phase space by a region of dynamic chaos, are of particular interest. The statistics of the energy levels of such systems substantially depends on the possibility of tunneling between phase-space domains that are dynamically isolated from each other. Consideration of this effect leads to the Podolskiy-Narimanov distribution function. In this study, we estimate the matrix elements of such tunneling transitions in the problem of the transverse motion of positrons with energies of 20 and 40 GeV, which are transmitted in the axial channeling mode in the [100] direction of a silicon crystal. The Podolskiy-Narimanov distribution parameter is found on the basis of this estimate, and it is shown that the former actually describes the statistics of the distances between neighboring energy levels of the transverse motion.