Case Report58 years lady, borderline diabetic presented to us in the emergency on oral hypoglycemic/ antihypertensive therapy, with a 6 days history of abdominal pain right side abdomen and right iliac fossa which markedly increased over last 36 hours. She had 2 episodes of chills with high grade fever 102 degrees fahrenheit, with raised counts of up-to 14,500/mm 3 . Her ultrasound examination done a day back showed thickened inflamed bowel wall-appendix involved in the ileocaecal region without any collection, rest of the viscera was normal. On examination we saw a moderately dehydrated lady, fully conscious, anxious, febrile 99 degree F temperature, pulse 90/minute, blood pressure-120/70, respiratory rate of 18/minute, abdominal findings revealed infra-umbilical midline LSCS scar (28 years ago), severe tenderness right iliac fossa, with a rebound tenderness present, PR examination showed fecal matter present. Her labs revealed raised counts 12,400/mm 3 , neurtophils of 86%, amylase/lipase within normal limits, rest of her labs were essentially normal. After urgent Preanaesthetic checkup/Full informed high risk consent she was taken up for surgery. Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed lot of adhesions with purulent exudate in the right paracolic gutter, with tight confines so it was decided to convert to open laparotomy by entering the abdomen via the old scar in the midline and entering the peritoneal cavity onto right side of the adhesions. The omentum was densely adherent to anterior abdominal wall in the midline effectively dividing the lower abdomen into right and left halves. The ileocaecal region was identified and the mesentry of the terminal ileum, caecum was grossly edematous and thickened, almost about 10 to 12 cm thickness and on lifting the cecum in the retro-caecal area a very small collection was drained only about 10 ml thick very foul smelling yellow pus which was removed in a syringe and sent for culture/sensitivity, appendix was not seen, probably liquefied only the base was seen identified by the converging taenia on the caecum, which was ligated, its thickened inflamed mesentery was removed and sent for histopathological examination, the rest of the intestine appeared viable but friable so too much handling was also avoided, the uterus/appendages and rest of viscera on examination appeared normal, peritoneal toileting was done with copious warm saline and a thick bore tube drain 32 french was left in the pelvis, the left half of the abdomen did not appear to be contaminated so it was now decided to close the abdomen with interrupted prolene 1-0 figure of "8" sutures, in layers. She had been started on cefoperazone+sulbactam/ metronidazole/amikacin injections, and shifted to the icu. On 1 st postoperative day her counts rose to 14,700/mm, neutrophils of 89%, Ultrasound examination abdomen-did not reveal any collection/repeat chest X-ray was normal. On the 2 nd postoperative day she showed a febrile peak of 99 degree F, so it was decided by the team to upgrade her antibiotics to inj meropenem+inj ...