Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the effect of mechanically activating grinding of coals of various degrees of metamorphism by two different methods -determination of the flash time in a vertical tubular furnace and thermogravimetric analysis. In the experiments, the coals that had been processed on a vibrating centrifugal mill and a disintegrator, aged for some time, were compared. The experiments showed a decrease in the ignition temperature of mechanically activated coals -deactivation of fuel, as well as the effect of mechanical activation on the further process of thermal-oxidative degradation.
IntroductionCoal is one of the most important energy sources in the world. According to forecasts, by 2020, the share of coal in the global energy sector will reach 50%, primarily due to the very likely reduction in oil and gas consumption, as well as the revision of the policy on the development of nuclear energy [1].At present, most coal-fired power plants operate using petroleum products to start and color the boiler during operation. The cost of these petroleum products significantly exceeds the cost of the coal itself, and therefore the introduction of new technologies that allow to exclude petroleum products from the energy processes that take place at the CHPP (Central Heating and Power Plant) is topical [2,3]. One of such technologies is the technology of mechanical activation of microgrinding coal obtained at mills-disintegrators. In this paper, coal studies are conducted using two different methods: determination of the self-ignition temperature of coals in a vertical tubular furnace and thermogravimetric analysis because the first method allows you to observe the processes of ignition of coal, and the results of the second one can conclude about the further process of thermal decomposition of coal.