Substance P (SP) has been shown in vitro to stimulate both formation and resorption of bone. This seemingly contradictory observation could be explained by in vivo variations in skeletal loading and rate of bone turnover, features which may be explored during different phases of fracture healing. In 50 SD rats, the right tibia was fractured and fixed with an intramedullary pin in straight alignment and in anterior angulation resulting in a convex and concave side under different load. Fracture repair was assessed by radiography, histology, and semi-quantitative immunohistochemistry of SP nerve fiber occurrence at days 7, 21, 35, 56, and 84 post-fracture. During regeneration, days 7-35, abundant SP-nerve ingrowth was observed in the fracture callus reaching a side-symmetrical peak at day 21 in straight fractures. In angulated fractures, the SP peak was also observed at day 21 on the concave loaded side, but not until day 35 on the convex unloaded side. Each SP-peak coincided with cortical bridging. During remodeling, days 35-84, a side-symmetrical disappearance of SP-positive fibers was seen in straight fractures. The same pattern was seen on the concave loaded side of angulated fractures. However, on the convex unloaded side, where resorption now took place, SP-fibers remained until the end of the experiment. Our study suggests that neuronal SP during bone regeneration has a stimulatory role on bone formation, while during remodeling increased SP fiber density in unloaded areas may be related to bone resorption. © 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Orthop. Res. 28: 1643Res. 28: -1650Res. 28: , 2010 Keywords: fracture healing; mechanical load; bone remodeling; neuropeptide; substance P Mechanical load promotes bone formation as illustrated by the trabecular pattern of the proximal femur and by increased bone mass in the active arm of tennis players. Load also enhances fracture healing. However, whether these observations reflect a direct effect of load on the cytoskeleton of bone cells via for example canalicular flow, 1 or an indirect effect via other mediators is unknown. The latter would imply a system sensitive and responsive to load and capable of regulating local bone turnover. Plausible candidates are various signaling pathways of the nervous system. Evidence suggests that neuronal mediators are involved in skeletal development and local bone turnover. 2−8 Patients and animals with hemiparesis or systemic neuropathies exhibit decreased bone density and impaired fracture healing characterized by excessive callus formation, decreased mechanical strength, and nonunion. 9−12 Over the last decade a number of neuropeptides, 3,5,6,13,14 have been implicated in the regulation of local bone turnover in addition to nociception, inflammation, angiogenesis, and cellular proliferation. Notably, the sensory neuropeptide substance P (SP) was identified in the most active areas of osteogenesis, such as growth plate, periosteum, and bone marrow. 14−16 Moreover, the SP r...